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Help is at hand for childhood headaches


Help is at hand for childhood headaches

Nearly three-quarters of parents turn to pharmacy for advice on childhood headache and 80 per cent would be likely to follow the recommendation provided. However, research from RB UK shows that over a quarter of pharmacists have never spoken to a parent about headaches and only one in five feel “very confident” about making recommendations.

Pharmacy teams felt training would help improve their confidence and result in better patient consultations. To answer this call for advice, RB has partnered with Migraine Action, and a new training booklet – available from the autumn – provides guidance on recognising and managing childhood headache. 

Dr Samantha Bradley, head of professional relations for RB UK, said: “By listening to parents and their children who suffer with headache, understanding the needs of pharmacy staff and collaborating with leading headache specialists in the UK to develop practical training materials and patient resources, we hope we can make a significant difference to improving the management of childhood headache in pharmacy.”


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