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Herbal remedies

Herbal remedies have had a resurgence in recent years, with some people taking them alongside conventional treatments.

Herbal remedies have been used to treat many ailments for centuries and some cultures still rely on them exclusively for their health. In the UK, herbal remedies, like other branches of complementary medicine, have had a resurgence in recent years and people are generally willing to explore different avenues alongside conventional treatments.


This module will tell you how to:

  • Understand what a herbal medicine and the Registration Scheme are
  • Identify appropriate herbal products for certain conditions
  • Know when to refer to the pharmacist.

Sufferers of long-term chronic health conditions with no obvious cure, such as eczema and osteoarthritis, are often the most motivated to look for solutions to their ailments that lie outside of ‘conventional’ medicine.

However, when customers decide to opt for a ‘natural’ answer to a medical condition, they should tell their doctor about any herbal medicines they decide to take as they might interact with other medication.

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