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Hello lovely readers! What a month it has been already. The TM team were deeply saddened by the news that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has passed away.
We ventured down to Buckingham Palace, a mere stones throw from our London offices, to pay our respects during this historical moment. Of course, the Queen’s passing has been a big topic of discussion and we found ourselves on the topic at a press event at John Bell & Croyden. We were interested to learn that the very oil used to anoint both Queen Elizabeth II and King George V is stored in the pharmacy’s vaults. The pharmacy team there were waiting for a once in a lifetime call from the palace to see if their services were needed. A royal display of pharmacy’s diverse services – pardon the pun.
For our September issue, our Public Eye feature investigates the rise in vaping in young non-smokers and is accompanied by a smoking cessation feature. Both aim to help you support customers throughout Stoptober 2022.
As we so often hear at the Recognition of Excellence (RoE) Awards, pharmacy teams make a real difference in helping people quit smoking. We hope both features, including our case study with a former RoE Service Excellence Award winner, inspire you. Of course, if you have any success stories, do let us know! We love hearing from you, as you too make history happen every day.