In In-depth
Hello lovely readers! I hope you have all made it through the Easter weekend OK and managed to find a moment to yourself, and to indulge in a chocolate egg here or there.
As you will know, we have now closed our entry forms for the Recognition of Excellence (RoE) Awards 2023 to which I am delighted to say we have had a record number of entries and nominations - the highest in 10 years. As we now go about collating these wonderful stories of community pharmacy, it has come to our attention throughout the interview process that many of you are feeling undervalued, underappreciated, over worked and generally just a bit fed up.
So I personally wanted to say on behalf of myself and the Training Matters and RoE team a massive thank you for everything you do. We see you, we appreciate you and we can't wait to celebrate your work at our awards ceremony in June. We want you to know there is someone rooting for you and in your corner, and it's not just us. The majority of our nominations come from pharmacy colleagues, and even customers, who put forward their friends and teammates because they think they deserve recognition, so we hope you are feeling the love there too.
Finally, I ask that you will join us in our endeavour as we push our #SaveOurPharmacies campaign to the attention of the Government (front cover story). In this way we hope to show you we are more about actions than just words.