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Self care focus for PAGB


Self care focus for PAGB

Some £22.5 million could be saved in Manchester each year if self care policies were put in place, so says a new green paper published by the Proprietary Association of Great Britain (PAGB).

The report, Enabling self care in Greater Manchester, assessed the levels of use of GP and A&E services for self-treatable conditions and found several areas where the NHS could do more to promote self care, help to reduce the pressure on local health services and drive cost savings in the region.

John Smith, chief executive of PAGB, said: “With GP and A&E services under increasing strain, empowering more people to self care, where appropriate, is more important than ever. Over half of people we surveyed in Manchester last year admitted to using GP and A&E services for self-treatable conditions. However, 79 per cent said they would be more likely to seek advice from pharmacists and self care if they understood their impact on the NHS.”

The PAGB is now seeking feedback on the proposals set out in the green paper from local policymakers and healthcare professionals.

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