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The future's digital


The future's digital

Technology is a vital part of community pharmacy’s future, says Cormac Tobin, managing director of Celesio UK, LloydsPharmacy’s parent company.

“It’s very important that the technology in healthcare becomes more apparent, because technology will be one of the ways that we can solve the challenges the NHS faces: using the speed, effectiveness and effi ciency of technology with human intimacy and understanding,” he said. “[Patients] want digital solutions but they also want physical engagement, so it’s very important to us in the products and the services that we provide that we build it around that.”

As such, LloydsPharmacy is being “reinvented” with a strong focus on patients, customers, physical pharmacy and digital solutions, including personal monitoring devices collecting data, such as blood pressure readings, that healthcare professionals can interpret in real time and take action as a result.

“I’m really excited about that for pharmacy. We’re in a position to do that because we know so much about the patients,” Mr Tobin said. “Pharmacy needs to be involved in changes in technology. I see a bright future, I really do – but it’s not going to be easy. Change is never easy.”

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