New ageing guide from PHE
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A guide aimed at helping pharmacy teams support older people in different settings has been published by Public Health England (PHE), with support from the Pharmacy and Public Health Forum.
The guide – A Menu of Interventions for Productive Healthy Ageing – details interventions that can help provide benefits for healthy ageing, such as dementia support, falls prevention, reducing the risk of loneliness and social isolation and tackling malnutrition.
The interventions could be provided both opportunistically, by pharmacy teams as part of the provision of Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework services, and others could be commissioned locally, says PHE.
The guide is thought to be of particular interest to healthy living pharmacies (HLPs) looking for new health promoting interventions they could undertake as part of their ongoing HLP requirements and it is hoped that some of the interventions listed may prompt ideas for local public health campaigns or service development opportunities.