NICE blood pressure
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The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published an updated draft guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) for public consultation.
It recommends that blood pressure lowering drugs should be offered to people aged under 80 with a diagnosis of stage one hypertension and who have a 10 per cent or greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease within the next 10 years. It is estimated that this is applicable to approximately 450,000 men
and 270,000 women.
According to NICE, the draft guideline supports the direction of the NHS Long Term Plan and ambitions to improve outcomes in cardiovascular disease. This includes preventing strokes and heart attacks, through the improved detection and treatment of high blood pressure.
Professor Jamie Waterall, national lead for cardiovascular disease prevention at Public Health England, said: “If you’re over 40, getting your free NHS Health Check is a simple way to find out your blood pressure as well as your risk of other serious conditions.”
The draft guideline is open for public consultation until 23 April 2019 and it is expected that the final guidance will be published in August 2019.