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Meet the committee!

Our brand new series running will introduce you to a new executive board member at APTUK each month. In part one, meet membership director Claire Sutton.

My name is Claire Sutton and I’m the membership director for the Association of Pharmacy Technicians UK (APTUK). As with all of our board of directors, this is a voluntary role in addition to my ‘day’ job – as senior pharmacy technician in education and training for an acute NHS Trust. As the membership director for APTUK it’s my responsibility to ensure that our members are getting value from their membership. This can look different to pharmacy technicians working across a variety of areas and sectors.

Why become a member?

You might be asking yourself why become a member of APTUK? Well, there are many reasons but one of the many benefits of joining the association is getting your voice heard. APTUK represent pharmacy technicians on many levels, and we work to have the voices of our members heard in consultations, changes in legislation, workforce planning to name a few. A great example of this was during the pandemic, it was APTUK that coined the phrase: “Where there’s a vaccine, there’s a pharmacy technician.” Promoting the integral part, we all played in the vaccine rollouts.

Networking is key

Our members tell us that networking with peers is a key membership benefit, whether this be through our annual conference and awards or through our branch meetings. Having the opportunity to meet others in the profession, share ideas, learn more about different roles pharmacy technicians are undertaking is something that brings us all together and gives us pride in our profession.

APTUK also provide educational resources for our members on our website on a variety of topics, to aid in CPD and support with further information and resources through email updates and webinars. Check it out for yourself at:

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