In Opinion
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Steve Brockie joined A.Vogel UK in 2019 after a career with some of the biggest names in drug development, medical devices and consumer healthcare. Here's what's next for the Ayrshire-based business:
Who is A Vogel?
Alfred Vogel established the business in 1963, and when he passed away in the late 90s ownership of the company moved to The Alfred Vogel Foundation to ensure his principles would live on. These principles of providing education to help people help themselves, ensuring only the highest quality and freshest ingredients are used, investing in research where no patents exist, and conducting all aspects of our business in a sustainable and ethical way are perhaps more relevant today than ever. Not having to answer to the stock exchange or a private equity owner really makes A.Vogel unique, and makes it much easier to live and breathe these principles.
Tell us more about your partnership with The Bumblebee Conservation Trust alongside the launch of Pollinosan Hayfever Eye Drops
To mark the launch of the Pollinosan Hayfever Eye Drops for red, burning, itchy eyes as a result of hayfever-causing allergens we will donate 50 pence from each sale to trade customers to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust until March 2023.
What are the benefits to people and the planet?
Without bumblebees we may lose all the plants that they pollinate, all of the animals that eat those plants and so on up the food chain. It would be very difficult to sustain the global human population of 7.9 billion, and perhaps half of our fruits and vegetables could become extinct. Indirectly, Bumblebees are A.Vogel’s unpaid and extremely valuable workforce without whom our crops of organic medicinal herbs wouldn’t thrive. We have long supported the Bumblebee Conservation Trust but we felt this was the ideal opportunity to increase awareness in the wider population and play our small part to help bumblebees thrive once again.
What are your future goals for A.Vogel?
Our future goals are to embed the principles of Alfred Vogel in an even stronger and better way. We need to constantly challenge ourselves to be more sustainable, conduct research in areas that can make a difference and look to move quickly to meet the needs of our customers with products of the highest quality. We are developing digital tools that can help educate people about our products and help them find relevant answers to meet their wellbeing needs faster and more easily.
What else are you working on?
Pharmacy is a significant area of focus for us as a company. As well as Pollinosan Hayfever Eye Drops we are rolling out a new cystitis product and a cough spray for kids across pharmacies nationwide in the coming weeks, and of course we have our other products for stress and sleep, menopause, constipation and digestion.
How can readers find out more?
Visit the website to see our full range or call 01294 204706 to order or arrange for a sales representative to visit. You can also follow us on social media at @AvogelUKHealth.