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Sore throat threat


Sore throat threat

RB is working to help tackle antimicrobial resistance with the launch of a new campaign to highlight that a pharmacist is best placed to provide effective symptomatic relief for the majority of sore throats. The campaign highlights that while as many as nine out of 10 sore throats cannot be treated by antibiotics as they have a viral cause, sore throats are the largest contributor to inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in England – amounting to almost a quarter (23 per cent) of unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions, says RB. 

RB is also partnering with over 200 Superdrug pharmacies across the country to provide a 10-minute free sore throat consultation service, consisting of a full examination, which may include a swab test to identify whether antibiotics are needed, the company adds. 

RB: 0500 455456

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