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Understanding laxatives

Types of laxatives available:3

Bulk-forming laxatives (e.g. ispaghula husk)

increase the bulk of the stools, which stimulates the gut muscles to contract and move the faeces along and out of the body. Can have some effect in 12-24 hours, but full effect usually takes 2-3 days

Osmotic laxatives (e.g. macrogol)

draw water into the bowel, softening the stool. Can take 2-3 days to work

Stimulant laxatives (e.g. senna)

act on the muscles of the gut. Usually take 6-12 hours to work

Stool softener laxatives (e.g. docusate sodium)

draw water into the stool, softening it. Usually take 1-3 days to work