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The scenario

Dispensing assistant Katya comes to technician Vicky with a query on her technician coursework.

"Vicky, I’m doing a module on women’s health and I’ve got myself into a bit of a muddle over emergency contraception," starts Katya.

"Ah yes," replies Vicky. "It used to be so straightforward when there was just the one product: a woman would ask for the morning after pill and we’d know exactly what to do. But a couple of years ago another EHC was launched, and then it went OTC, and now some new guidelines have come out. Progress is good, don’t get me wrong, but it can be difficult to get your head round it all when it changes."

"Well, quite!" exclaims Katya. "And I’m not sure my course materials are as up-to-date as they could be. Would you mind running through it with me? What should be used in what circumstances?"


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