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The scenario

Customer Jenny Walker is talking to technician Vicky about how things have been since she left university in the summer.

"I’m on this graduate training course and it’s hard work but such good fun," says Jenny. "It’s how I met my boyfriend Ryan actually – he’s on the same scheme. We’re looking at flats at the moment as we want to move in together and I really think he’s the one – you know, the whole marriage and babies thing."

"That’s great news, Jenny, I’m really pleased for you," says Vicky. "But you know that your epilepsy medication – you’re on Epilim, aren’t you? – means that having a baby is a more complicated decision for you than it is for other women, don’t you?"

"Oh, it’s fine," replies Jenny. "What’s the worst that can happen? The baby might have epilepsy, but I’ve had it for years and can cope with it."

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