In In-depth
Record learning outcomes
Hello lovely readers! I hope you’re all staying cool, calm and collected out there as August delivers us some sunny summer days (finally).
This issue returns to our normal layout, but I do hope you enjoyed our bumper edition which included the RoE supplement last month. Don’t forget to register your interest for RoE25.
As summer continues on we know queries in the pharmacy change from questions about cough and cold to travel health concerns and vaccines. In addition, with children off school for the holidays there can be a greater need for parents and pharmacy staff like yourself to be up to date with your first aid knowledge. Thankfully we have you covered with our Professional Assistant module this month.
We continue with our bespoke Pharmacy First series for the whole team, looking at infected insect bites and stings. Our feature on allergy management also provides further insight into how to manage minor to major allergic reactions in the pharmacy.
The Public Eye feature this month provides an in-depth look into the Health Inequalities in 2040 report, and how these play such a big role in impacting the health of our communities. This really is something not to be overlooked, and neither is your role in breaking down access barriers to healthcare. Remember, every conversation on the pharmacy floor does makes a difference.