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Any questions: part three

The third part in our series on CPPE's Shared decision making programme with Jo Nevinson and Annie Sellers.

Last month, Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) explored the self-directed e-course element of its Shared decision making programme. This month, CPPE’s Jo Nevinson (education supervisor and member of the learning development team) and Annie Sellers (senior learning development pharmacist) explain more about the workshops that support the programme

Why does the programme include an online workshop?

Jo Nevinson (JN): You can gain a lot of knowledge working through the CPPE Shared decision making e-course, and the online workshops build on this by providing the opportunity to use the tools and techniques learned on the e-course, in a practice setting. The workshops provide examples similar to those you will face in practice, in a safe and supported learning environment.   

Annie Sellers (AS): When we started to develop this programme, we knew that we needed to include workshops so people would have the chance to apply what they have learned. Shared decision making is a practical skill, and while the theory is integral to understanding this topic, the learning really comes to life when you start to put it into practice. 

What does the workshop involve? 

JN: You will work through examples of patient consultations and practise using the tools and knowledge you have gained from the e-course in small groups. There will be medical actors who will play the patients to make the workshop interactive and as real as it can be.

AS: At the first online workshop, you will have the chance to use some of the tools covered in the e-course, and in the second, you will explore shared decision making in more complex situations. This is done by observing different scenarios and using role play. There is also time for reflection and action planning to help you think about how you will embed shared decision making into your own practice.

Can I attend the online workshop if I haven’t completed the e-course?

AS: The e-course is where the learning sits, so without completing that element, you’re not going be able to fully engage with the online workshops. This has been reflected in feedback from those who have already completed the programme – people who completed the e-course had better experiences of the online workshops. As the programme developer, I don’t see the components as things that can be separated – they all work together to provide the learning experience and every element contributes to this equally. 

JN: You should complete up to unit four of the e-course before attending the first workshop and complete the next two units before attending the second workshop. It is really beneficial to you and the other people attending if you all have an understanding of shared decision making and the tools and techniques to use.

What benefits will the programme bring and how can I book a place?

AS: Completing this programme will improve your understanding of what shared decision making is and give you the tools and practice you need to make some real changes to your consultations. 

One of our programme experts said they get more out of consultations when they apply shared decision making than those which follow the older, more transactional style of model. We’ve seen this mirrored in the feedback we’ve received, with pharmacy professionals suggesting that it has improved their experience during consultations – that’s on top of making the experience better for the patient. 

JN: With CPPE’s Shared decision making programme, you can try out your technique in a safe learning environment and receive feedback on your approach. This will help you to develop and be the best you can be at supporting your patients to make a decision that is right for them. Visit for more information and to book a place on the course.  

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