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Beth Rodger

Recognition of Excellence 2020

Beth Rodger

“I absolutely love looking after people,” says Beth, who has worked in pharmacy for five years, having been inspired by her nan, who used to work in a pharmacy

Beth is now a carer for her nan and a dispensing assistant at Gun Lane Pharmacy in Rochester, Kent, and exudes compassion.

In her Customer Care Award entry, Beth said one of her most memorable customers was a woman with dementia who was lost and wandered into the pharmacy, panicked and crying. “I sat with her for over an hour,” says Beth. “I made her a cup of tea and asked for her permission to go into her bag to see if there was anyone I could contact.” Beth found a card that said “if I’m lost, call this number”. It was the number for a local care home, so Beth arranged a lift back for her and rang later to make sure she had arrived safely. She received chocolates as a thank you – as she has done from other customers, including one who thought she had sciatica so Beth pushed for a hospital appointment for her. Unfortunately, the diagnosis was a terminal brain tumour. “I just wish they could have found it sooner,” says Beth. “But her family are very grateful to me and have sent me flowers and chocolates. But I don’t do it for the reward: it’s my job.” 

Judge and former RoE Spotlight Award winner Haroon Mahmood says: “We need more Beths in the world!” Beth recieved highly commended in the Customer Care Award category.

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