Recognition of Excellence Awards 2022
Kirby Sowden
In Recognition of Excellence Awards 2022
Record learning outcomes
Returning to the Recognition of Excellence Awards for a second year running, Kirby Sowden wowed the judges again. Her intervention with a patient who had taken an overdose most likely saved his life
“This man was a regular patient and something about him didn’t seem right, so I kept speaking to him and it turns out he’d actually taken an overdose,” explains Kirby. “I took him into a consultation room and then called the ambulance and sat with him until they came.
“He broke down and told me that he didn’t know why he was feeling this way. It just came out of nowhere for him so he couldn’t understand it, but it was nice that he felt he could talk to me. I contacted his GP to let them know to give him extra support. He comes in now and again and he still thanks me for being there for him even though I tell him it’s silly and it’s just my job.
It’s this selflessness and determination to provide exemplary customer care that really wowed the judges. “Kirby epitomises all that is great about community pharmacy teams and the care, compassion and empathy they show on a daily basis making every patient feel special,” says Janice Perkins, chair of the RPS Community Pharmacy Expert Advisory Group. “She is truly a passionate and empathetic individual who naturally cares for people.”
Local coverage: Telegraph & Argus