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Nuchem Chemist

Recognition of Excellence Awards 2022

Nuchem Chemist

Lindsay & Gilmour’s Nuchem Chemist is a busy community pharmacy serving a diverse socio-economic population

The team offer an unprecedented number of services, including opiate substitution therapy, smoking cessation, chlamydia treatment and NHS flu vaccinations to name a few.

The team have also carried out a programme with local GP practices and optometrists to enhance collaborative working for the benefit of patient outcomes. “The collaboration with the surgery has been beneficial to patients as they now use the pharmacy as the first port of call for all minor ailments,” says nominator Allison Meldrum, PR consultant. “In addition to the work with GP practices, the team at Nuchem have been one of the earliest adopters of an enhanced way of working with their local optometry team for the benefit of patient’s eye health. For example, the pharmacy uses a dedicated community pharmacy/optometry referral form to allow patients with eye concerns timely access to treatment and advice by the most appropriate professional – whether for diagnosis or prescription services.”  

“Nuchem have demonstrated how they go above and beyond the call of duty by delivering a huge range of services to their communities,” says RoE judge Emma Charlesworth, head of marketing operations at Phoenix Medical Supplies. “They work collaboratively with local health teams to ensure they are providing the very best support to their patients.”

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