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Tiffany Hill

Tiffany took home highly commended for the Innovation category.

Tiffany Hill
Knights Bartley Green Pharmacy
Innovation Award
Highly Commended

“Tiffany is the person who holds the team together, her confidence is something else,” says area manager Myra Gauntlett, who nominated her for the award. “She successfully sorts out all aspects of staff management and the branch runs smoothly.”

Having worked in pharmacy for just over eight years, Tiffany has proved that not only does she support the pharmacy team to the best of her ability, but she also develops ways to help their training. It was this in particular that our judges felt made her extremely deserving of being highly commended in the Innovation category. 

After the pandemic, as the pharmacy got busier and busier, Tiffany developed a training matrix for new members of staff to ensure they were not lacking in any area of pharmacy life. As she explains: “The matrix is a written document and it’s broken down into what they need to know in that category and what is expected for them to know.”

“Once they feel like they can do every bit inside that one section, they can sign it off. Once they’ve shown me that they can do all those things, I sign them off. It’s just a way of making sure that they don’t just know the basics, they know everything that they need to know. My area manager has since used the matrix in her other branches. So that went really well,” she adds.

It was this idea, and Tiffany’s growth within the pharmacy industry, which really wowed our judges. “It was heartening to read Tiffany’s story and the way in which her pharmacy has blossomed,” said RoE judge and president of APTUK, Claire Steele. “It is evident that Tiffany is skilled at introducing new services.”

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